How to lose stomach fat in 2 weeks - Simple fat loss tips that will help you shed fat


Are you really working hard and still finding it very hard to burn stomach fat? And it can be especially hard to burn belly fat, if you happen to be an endomorph.Some find it very easy to burn belly fat, while others find it very hard to lose anything at all.An endomorph is someone who is prone to storing body fat and has a slow metabolism. An endomorph is someone who has medium to large joints and a large frame.I will give you some very effective fat loss tips, that will help you get rid of excess fat like never before!

There are a lot of ectomorphs and mesomorphs, who are genetically gifted and can basically eat whatever they want and not gain fat.But if you happen to be an endomorph, then you have to be really strict with your diet nearly all the time and you also need to have high levels of discipline. You should be doing plenty of aerobic


training, because that is they key to losing fat for endomorphs.If your goal is to lose fat effectively, (how to lose stomach fat for teenage men) then there

are some things you need to pay attention to



Moderate to low carbs, high proteins in your diet

The vast majority of pure endomorphs have different degrees of carbohydrate sensitivity and insulin resistance, which is why such a diet is recommended.It can be very difficult for endomorphs to lose tummy fat with a diet that is high in carbs and fat.Refined and processed carbohydrates are easily converted into body fat and should therefore be avoided as much as possible.So you should be avoiding them as much as possible, if you want to burn stomach fat. You should also greatly reduce your sugar intake, because sugar and endomorphs don`t go together at all.

Make your cardio workouts longer

If you are really struggling to lose stomach fat, then the first strategy you should employ, is to increase the duration of your aerobic workouts – simple. Every person, wanting to lose stomach fat, (how to lose belly fat) needs to be doing at least 30 minutes of cardio per session.You can start out with 30 minutes of cardio per session and keep doing that, as long as you keep making progress.Until you reach 60 minutes per session.You are very likely to lose muscle, if your cardio workouts are longer than 60 minutes.The people that are unable to get good results with 60 minutes of cardio per session, most likely need to adjust their diet more than anything.Many experienced fat loss experts recommend doing around 40-45 minutes of cardio per session.

Boost the frequency of cardio training

Although most people are able to burn belly fat with 40-45 minutes of cardio, for some people that is not enough.Increasing the frequency of your cardio workouts, is the strategy you can use, when your cardio session are already long and calorie intake low.Increasing the frequency of your aerobic workouts, is another thing that is very helpful for a lot of people. Usually beginners start out with doing cardio 3 times per week and usually it works really well.And if you are able to lose tummy fat successfully by doing cardio 3 times a week, then why change that?But if you are not getting results, then exercising 4 times a week, is certainly better than 3 times a week. In many cases people need to do cardio 6-7 times a week to get results.Most fitness models and bodybuilders, do aerobic training 7 times a week to get really lean.

So as you can see, there are many different strategies you can use, when your rate of fat loss has slowed down. So many people get really depressed and lose all hope, when they are not able to lose stomach fat and easily give up.You should always analyze your workouts (how to lose belly fat for women fast) and your diet plans, so you don`t reach a fat loss plateau!